Georgie Huff

Georgie Huff
CA Lic #00594300

I grew up in Sacramento and came to San Jose to study at San Jose State University where I received my BA in Psychology in 1974. When I started my real estate career at the age of 25, I was one of the youngest agents in Los Gatos. Real estate was an exciting profession and I quickly moved from being a new agent to owning and managing my own office. I took over Capital Properties in 1979 and building the reputation of this business has been the focus of my career ever since.

I believe strongly in the importance of community involvement. I have served on numerous non-profit Board of Directors, City Commissions and Task Forces. Those include a term as the President of the San Jose Downtown Association, Chair of the City Council Salary Setting Commission and twice a member of the City of San Jose Housing Task Force, to name a few. I served as an Elector in the 2000 Electoral College and served on the Federal Grand Jury for two years, as Deputy Foreman. Additionally, I continue to work with the courts on estate sales and as an expert witness. My continuing education includes many courses in the field of fiduciary representation.

I have lived in Naglee Park in downtown San Jose for over 35 years and raised my son there. Outside of real estate, I have many other interests. I am passionate about golf, I have sung in local rock bands, I have renovated numerous houses and I love going to Burning Man with friends. I am also looking forward to promoting the next “Art Party” in San Jose, known as the Irreverent Art Fest, next scheduled for 2022.